Please excuse my excessive use of sarcasm, but sometimes I think that it’s the best way to express extreme disgust.
Is this really the kind of world that we want our kids growing up in? A world where simple touch is something that they will be disciplined for?

Rules that prohibit touching and hugging in schools are becoming more prevalent and more strict in schools across America. Something must be done, and if not us, then who?
I've written on the subject of hug bans in schools before here, my feelings are that I haven't made enough of an impact. After my last blog entry regarding the school rules prohibiting hugs, I was shocked by the response I had (not here, but on myspace). I’ve received many comments and messages from people who are totally outraged by these bans. I wasn’t surprised that people were against the rules, but that so many seemed not to have even known about them before reading my blog was a bit of a shock. These are people who could and should be having an input and affect on these rules that affect our children. Regardless of this reaction, I still don't feel that it is enough. We need to take action.
I have decided that I'll be putting together a kind of questionnaire to use in interviewing people who I (and you) think should have some say in these “no-touching” and “no-hugging” rules that are popping up in more and more schools.
I need your opinions. Your ideas as to who should be included in interviews and what kind of questions I should ask will be very important to this process. I may even need some volunteers to help me with the interviews. Teachers, psychologists, medical doctors, parents, and students are some of the people who make sense to me. If you can think of anyone else who should be interviewed, please let me know!
Now I also need your help in raising awareness of these rules and the changes needed in our schools. Please link to this blog and tell your friends about it in order to help me keep everyone updated on these issues and MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE COMMENTS! By contributing your opinion on these matters, you will be helping bring us a step closer to making sure that our children do not grow up in schools where acts of kindness and affection are marked as improper or dirty.
School Enforces Strict No-Touching Rule
Tustin middle school students suspended for repeated hugging
13-Year-Old Girl Gets Detention for Hugging
School Club Battles Against "Hug Ban" By Organizing a "Hug Day"
Stop the War On Hugs
I just can't believe this.
A hug is so important, expecially for our children.
Take away God and now Hugs in the schools, Well it goes to prove that a hug is a extension of Gods love.
What is this world coming too?
I think we should all get together and overthrow our government, take charge of what we know to be correct. Bring God back into our every day routine, not just at home and church.
I don't understand the school system today. I think that the people making these rules need to step back and remember those great moments in their lives when they received hug from a friend because they were sad. Or maybe they got a hug from a friend who they hadn't seen all week. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING!!!!!
Well to answer your question. I think talking to your local law enforcement would be a very good place to start. Working with kids is a priority to many of these wonderful people I feel if they couldn't express themselves in a positive way ,like giving a high five or a hug that their work would not be as valuable to them and to whom they are working with. Also speaking to people who work with the developmentally and physically challenged would be another option. I have witnessed many wonderful expressive moments between these absolutely amazing people.
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