Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
A Touching Christmas Message
"Just last night I was feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. With Christmas approaching and my not being able to provide my children; I am raising my 3 grandchildren and 1 great nephew; with the things they deserve I was feeling pretty alone. I cried myself to sleep last night and prayed for God to just send me a friend and I woke up this morning to receive a friend request from Hugs Heal and it brought tears to my eyes again, only for a much different reason. I just had to say thank you for what you do and today will be a much better day for me because of you." - Mimi
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
My Favorite Responses to my last the "Hugs Make Me Feel" Challenge
5. "When I hug someone I feel like everything is right with the world."
4. "When I see people hugging eachother I feel warm and happy; and frankly wishing it was a group hug."
3. "Hugs make me feel safe, warm, makes feel like I am loved and cared for. There is nothing like a hug to brighten your day and make you feel better."
4. "When I see people hugging each other I feel as if they are close, caring, in love; whatever the occasion. A hug is a closeness and says all that needs to be said in so many ways!"
5. "The thought of students not being able to hug eachother in school makes me...wonder what this world is coming to, when a hug is considered to be offensive. Considering most of the bonds we make in childhood (outside our families) is in school with our peers."
Monday, December 17, 2007
"Hugs Make Me Feel" Challenge
When someone hugs me I feel...
When I hug someone else I feel...
When I see people hugging eachother I feel...
When I need a hug but can't get one I feel...
The thought of students not being able to hug eachother in school makes me...
Here's a few to get the ball rolling.
When someone hugs me I feel... better, no matter how I was feeling before.
When I hug someone else I feel... wonderful, because I am healing that person's hurts.
When I see people hugging eachother I feel... pride in humankind.
When I need a hug but can't get one I feel... lonely.
The thought of students not being able to hug eachother in school makes me... angry and determined to make a difference.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
How I Came Up With “Hugs Heal”
I've always enjoyed hugs and thought that they were a very important part of anyone's life, but that thought was always kind of abstract; I didn't have anything specific to attribute it to. But not long ago I was reading an article on abc.com about a study that was done showing that hugs can actually reduce the risk of heart disease. I remember thinking “Wow, hugs really do heal.” I thought that was so incredible and a such very important find. It made me think of all the times in my life that a hug has made me feel better and all times I've hugged friends and family members when I thought they needed it. I realized that hugs have a far more profound effect on our lives than most people really appreciate. So, I came up with the "Hugs Heal" idea.
So far it's just a myspace and a blog, but people have been responding so wonderfully to my message that who knows where it will go. I've been getting all sorts of ideas about making this into a real organization, but it's a bit early to consider that too seriously. For now, I just want to get my message across and touch as many lives as possible in the process.
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Hug for a Brave Soldier

- Shared by Donna
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Hugs Heal Story 4 - submitted by a friend of Hugs Heal
-Shared by Donna from Florida
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Princess Hug

Saturday, December 8, 2007
Photo Submitted by a Friend of Hugs Heal 4

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Hugs Heal Story 3 - submitted by a friend of Hugs Heal
The hospital did not have the staff to do the surgery the next morning, so my husband and I spent our anniversary in my hospital room. I don't remember much because I was on pain medication and all kinds of IV drips. All I know is that every time I opened my eyes, he was there.
The next day was Saturday and during the night one of my IV's had come out. As soon as I got up out of bed, it was evident which one. I was having another heart attack. I was moved to CCU where visitation was limited, so I was alone most of the time. On Monday, after one surgery to find the blockage and another to install four stents, I was moved back to ICU. Spending the whole week in solitude and pain does a lot to the mental psyche and I was getting depressed, even in my fog of morphine.
By Friday, I was able to go to a regular room and was released later that day. But that wasn't the best thing for me.The best thing that happened, the thing that gave me the warmest and most secure feeling, was the first embrace from my husband. It was filled with love, companionship, caring, and happiness. And it made my world right again.
- Linda from Arlington, Texas
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Photo Submitted by a Friend of Hugs Heal 3
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Best, Worst, Most Important Moments
I was 17 years old and the date was March 31, 2005; the day my dad died suddenly of a heart attack. An odd start to a "best hug" story, huh?
There are a lot of things about that day that I don't remember. But I do remember the moment when I finally broke down, the initial shock suddenly wore off and I started to cry, wail, and ultimately collaspe on my living room floor. And I remember my best friend, Sarah, hugging me. She threw her arms around me and when my knees hit the floor, she went down with me. She never let go.
It was certainly not a happy moment; in fact, it was the saddest moment of my life, but it was and still is the best, most important hug I can ever remember recieving.
Tell me about your best, most important hug memory.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Stop The War On Hugs

Every time I hear about a student being punished for giving their friend a hug, my chest constricts, my face turns red, my hands clench, and let's just say that no one should be asking me any favors. Hugging is such an important part of our lives, and it is especially important to children and teenagers.
These are the years when emotions are already in such turmoil; how can we deny these children the simple and wonderful comfort of a hug? And if our youth grow up not experiencing the incredible power of hugs, how can we expect them to understand how important they are? How much will this effect these children? How will it effect how they treat they kids and grandkids? This is our future we're talking about. Are we headed down a very slippery slope toward an world where freely-given affection will be socially unacceptable?
These bans may seem insignificant to some, but if they are allowed to continue, I believe that they will spread and evolve into stricter and stricter rules banning many expressions of affection. Just how many acts of warmth and friendliness are we willing to allow our children to miss out on?
How can we expect our children to become kind people in adulthood if we punish them for acts of kindness in adolescence?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Best Things About Hugs
I challenge everyone who reads this to post your favorite thing about hugs. =)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
1,000 Friend Goal Reached 4 Days Early!
Now, I still need 8 more subscribers to this blog by Dec. 8, so you guys have to help me out by subcribing and telling your friends to visit, ok?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
A Sleepy Twin Hug!
Here is a photo submitted by Maritha from Stockholm, another friend of Hugs Heal, of her twin grandsons sleeping and hugging. Adorable!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Photo Submitted by a Friend of Hugs Heal 2
This photo of her daughters was submitted by Heather, a myspace friend of Hugs Heal. So cute!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving Hugs!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A Quote from a Friend of Hugs Heal
-Pat from Florida
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Friends and Subscription Goal
Help please!
To become a friend of Hugs Heal, please click here and add me!
To subscribe to this blog by looking to the right and clicking "Subscribe to Hugs Heal"
Or better yet, do both!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Bear Hugs being sent to victims of the California Fires

Stuffed with Hugs is a charitable Build-A-Bear Workshop program that provides teddy bears to children who are in need of hugs. It also children a great opportunity to help other children.
Please donate to this incredible cause. http://www.buildabear.com/
Please read the full article that provided this information. Bear Hugs
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A Hugs Heal Online Community
Does any one have any ideas about what I might want to include in an online community?
I'd also like to design some clothes with the Hugs Heal logo to sell in order to help spread the message.
Any advice?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Hugging You!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Photo Submitted by a Friend of Hugs Heal 1
Mary Moon, author of "The Last Miracle Mile" and advocate for the prevention of child abuse, sent in this photo of her grandson Cameron hugging his brand-new puppy.
Aren't they adorable?!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Quote of the Day
Monday, November 12, 2007
Cyndy and Mitzi
Hi Gini,
I am one of your myspace friends. I am sending you 2 pics of myself and my Mitzi. Mitzi crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge on Sept 5 2007. She was 16 years old, the love of my life and my best friend. I am so blessed to have had her as part of my life. Together the two of us traveled all 48 states, Mexico and Canada. I drove a truck at the time. The pics I am sending are of our last hugs to each other.
Bless you for starting such a wonderful page.
Many Hugs,
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Hugs Heal Story 2 - submitted by a friend of Hugs Heal
-Mandy from New York
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Cancer Survivor Sylvia and Singer Jimmy Barnes
This is a photo submitted by a wonderful woman named Sylvia of her and her idol, Scottish/Australian Singer Jimmy Barnes. At the time she was living with cancer and he was about to go through open heart surgery.
Great news: She is now a cancer survivior and he came through as well!
Go Sylvia and Jimmy and Congratulations! Hugs Heal!
And here is a photo after these inspiring survivors made it through!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Random Acts of Kindness
If you spend 1 hour reading to child with terminal leukemia, do you think that child will ever forget that hour? Just one hour has changed this beautiful little person's life forever.
There is a woman sitting in a convalescent home right now, tired and alone. Her husband passed away a long time ago and she has no other family. You go into the home with a few friends and you sing a song to her. For a brief moment, her face lights up, as it hasn't done in a long time. Neither of you will ever forget it.
There is a girl at your school who doesn't have any friends; who looks at the ground as she walks and hugs her books to her chest in an effort to shield herself from the other kids cruel comments. Can you take a moment out of your life to smile at her? Say hello? Maybe even ask if she'd like to have lunch with you. A half hour out of your life may not mean much to you, but I'll bet it will to her. In fact, you'll never know this, but this girl had been so depressed and lonely that she was going to do something drastic when she got home that day. You didn't just change her life; YOU SAVED IT.
Every person has been imbued with a truly awesome power: the power to have influence on the lives of others. It's just up to us to use it.
Helping others is important and it isn't even difficult! "I don't have time to help" isn't an excuse or a reason. All it takes is one story. One song. One smile. HELP.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hugs Heal Story 1- Shared by a friend of Hugs Heal
-Shared by Melanie
Hugs Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease!
A study conducted at North Carolina University concluded that hugs increased levels of oxytocin, reducing blood pressure; which reduces the risk of heart disease, America's #1 cause of death.
So if you think hugs are worthless,
A hug is an embrace; to take someone into your arms with caring and affection. But thats not all a hug is. A hug is an expression of love, friendship, and kindness. A hug can heal the world's worst wounds; physical or emotional. A hug can give a person that bit of strength that they need in order to just keep going.
There is a hug for every mood, every ailment. The Comforting Hug for when you're sad, the Happy Hug when you're excited, and of course the Bear Hug; appropriate for all occasions.
My cat starlight hugging his kitty doll!