Monday, August 2, 2010

Hug it Out!

Erica and Cody, age 3
Thanks to Debbie for sharing this adorable photo at the Hugs Heal Online Community!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Fellow Hugger Shares "Free Hugs" Experience

The experience and photos below were shared by Angel, a friend of Hugs Heal. The words in Purple are hers, the words in Black are mine.

"Our first Free Hugs that we participated in we did on 7-7-07. It was significant as people from all over the world were doing it at the same time with the same purpose. Peace, Love & Happiness. We were surrounded by Angels that day and we could all feel them. We got quite the surprise when we got our group pictures - one of the Angel's decided to join in them. In both group pictures if you look at the purple hue you will see its face. First one is looking straight at the camera, the second one its turned facing us. What difference does giving a hug make? Well if we have gotten the attention of Angels then I would say it means a lot!! Love & Hugs, Angel"

While I try to keep Hugs Heal non-religious to make sure everyone of every religion feel welcome, I felt that this experience was too cool not to share. What do you guys think? Can you see the angels' face in the purple hue?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Hug That Touched the Soul

"When my mother died at home from terminal cancer, all the people started coming in to pay their respects, plenty of hugging, but the only one that I felt down to my soul was the one from my favorite uncle, he got out of his car, didn't say a word, just opened his arms, and I fell into them sobbing, he never said anything, he knew how close I was to my mom, he just held me as hard as he could, and let me cry. Made me feel better and safe."

Shared by Akiko

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Three Acts of Kindess Challenge

Hello, my wonderful friends! Today I am issuing you a new challenge. It will cost you nothing but your time (unless you choose otherwise) and I guarantee it will make you feel wonderful.

The day after you read this blog entry, I challenge you to do 3 kind things for someone other than yourself. I can be 3 acts of kindness for one person or one act for 3 different people.

These acts can be anything you choose. As long as you don't stay in bed all day, I guarantee you that plenty of opportunities will arise. You just need to pay attention.

Here are some ideas:
1. Give a gift card to a homeless person (or anyone who needs it)
2. Give a hug to someone who looks sad
3. Help someone carry their groceries out to their car
4. Take a friend out to their favorite restaurant
5. Tip your babysitter or pizza delivery person twice as much as you normally would
6. Take your spouse to the local park and have some ice cream together (or hot chocolate, depending on the weather)

Don't forget to come back here and tell me what you decided to do for your three acts of kindness, or post some of your ideas for other people to do. I'll choose some of my favorites to be featured in my blog!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Color of a Hug


I sent out a request for photos depicting important hugs. What could be more important, not to mention wonderful, than this one?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Hug That Saved a Life

A huge thank-you hug to MaryLee of San Jose, California for sharing this amazing experience.

This is a time I found out for real a hug can make all the difference! It was many years ago, over 22 about, my family worked in the restaurant business and I became a bartender. I thought to make drinks for clients, but I was always giving them rides home or giving them some inspirational message, like typing up the poem Footprints for them. People who spend a lot time in bars are really very sad.

I was working nights, 6pm- 2am, and one night a man came in and he was very quiet. I tried to chat with him but he said little. I was taught to get customers to meet new people, but he was having none of that. I asked him his name, he said, "It doesn’t matter." The beer he was drinking was 80 cents, he was getting 2 dimes back each time. I could see he was making something with his dimes.

Well, as the night came to a close I went around the other side of the bar to clean up the tables and get ready to close. I put the ashtrays on the bar next to him; he stood to leave and feeling his heavy heart I said, "May I give you a hug?", and said, "This shall pass. Give it a few days." He left and when I went back to the bar to clean his spot I saw that he had made a question mark with his dimes. The week-end passed and I went back to work. Monday night when I went out to the car to go home there was a white rose on my car. I asked everyone and no one knew a thing. This happened for 4 nights in a row then on Friday that man I hugged came in the door with a white rose at closing time. I said, "It was you!"

He told me that night he was going to kill himself and because I tried so hard to talk to him and then asked to hug him and said this will pass in a few days, it reminded him of the bible verse he knew from his childhood. But he said it was the hug, someone caring about him and hugging him that made him change his mind. We cried together. I never saw him again, but from time to time I got a white rose and I send a little prayer to him still after all these years.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Would You Hug 30,000 People per Day?

Please take a look at this article about an incredible woman, humanitarian, and spiritual leader who's hugs, some say, can create miracles. Everywhere she goes people flock to her, waiting in lines for as long as six hours just to hug her. This wonderful woman, affectionately called the "Hugging Saint", often sits for up to 20 hours at a time without a break, hugging up to 30,000 people per day.

She is said to have hugged more 26 million people of all races, religions, and walks of life all around the world.

Click Here to read the full article: "When a Motherly Hug is the Best Medicine"