Monday, December 17, 2007

"Hugs Make Me Feel" Challenge

I challenge everyone to tell the world how you feel about hugs by completing one of these sentences:

When someone hugs me I feel...
When I hug someone else I feel...
When I see people hugging eachother I feel...
When I need a hug but can't get one I feel...
The thought of students not being able to hug eachother in school makes me...

Here's a few to get the ball rolling.
When someone hugs me I feel... better, no matter how I was feeling before.
When I hug someone else I feel... wonderful, because I am healing that person's hurts.
When I see people hugging eachother I feel... pride in humankind.
When I need a hug but can't get one I feel... lonely.
The thought of students not being able to hug eachother in school makes me... angry and determined to make a difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When someone hugs me I feel... as if they took weight off my chest
When I hug someone else I feel...incredible i helped them in a way
When I see people hugging eachother I feel...amazing knowing they are healing and giving and recieving love
When I need a hug but can't get one I feel...upset and want to cry
The thought of students not being able to hug eachother in school makes me...angry